Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm Back!

  Whoa! Just realized that it's been awhile since I last blogged. My husband has been on vacation for the last week which has kept me occupied. We just celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary on the 6th! That was an awesome day! We kept it simple and budget friendly and it was perfect! Went out to "Heidi's" which is our local family friendly restaurant.....or more like the place all the older people go to eat. That day we went for lunch while the kids were in school. It was nice, quiet and NO interruptions! I realized that day how much time my husband and I don't get often enough. Things have been so stressful in our lives these days that we really have not had much alone time to just relax, laugh and have a good conversation.

  Most of the week while my husband has been on vacation we just hung out and enjoyed each others company. The only thing that sucked on his vacation was me having to go to the hospital and our daughter having to go to Urgent Care. I was having some symptoms that were concerning and had to have checked out. Our daughter was riding her scooter and fell on her face, cut her lip up pretty good and hurt her hip. I decided it would be best to get her checked out because she was not wearing her helmet ( Grrrr ) and there's always a possibility that she could have bumped her head. I don't take head bumps lightly since I use to work in the medical field and the majority of patients being admitted had some type of head injury. So, for a mother's peace of mind I had her evaluated which she turned out to be fine.....well, mostly. Falling on cement on your face hurts like hell. I would know because I've done that years ago. That will have to be another story I will save for a different time though. I am just thankful our daughter is going to be ok. That is what matters the most! At this point we need a family ER discount! My son broke his thumb twice in just a few months so the ER probably knows us by now. Ha ha!

Well, that's about it for now I suppose. Blogging late at night sometimes causes my mind to go blank. I will leave it here for now and try to blog again soon. Hopefully no ER visits between now and then.

Take care!



1 comment:

  1. LOL on the ER discount, I know what you mean. It's always something, isn't it??
